How To View Private Facebook Profiles

Facebook upgraded it's security few months ago and since then none of the hacks taught on the web today work except the old traditional method explain here.

Internet security gets very solid but the people who use it are still people and do those mistakes that a computer doesn't.
Here I will teach you an old fashioned method which will grant you full access to the private profile. This method I call "how to view private facebook profile by fooling the person to think you are someone else":

1. Navigate to the private facebook profile and click "View All" friends. (If you do not see this link, read the notes at the bottom)
2. Go to the very last pages of their friends list and find a profile that has no picture or you might think is not as active on this users facebook. (In worst scenario, give it a shot and just pick anyone)
3. Create a new facebook profile with the same Name and Family Name as the user you picked in step 2
4. Join the same network as the private profile you are trying to see is in (You can find this information through their friends list or from the private profile itself. If you can not find this information then skip this step and step 6. Go to step 7)
5. Try to view their profile now and see how much you can see already. If this is enough, it is your lucky day. If not, execute the next step ;)
6. Send "Add Friend" request by navigating to their private profile and clicking "Add As A Friend" link. Add a message to this request saying something like "hey sorry I didnt contact you in awhile, I had to reopen new account coz I lost the pass for the old one"

I can guarantee you, people out of just being people will fall for this one. I mean, common, even you would if didn't read this page ;)